17-year-old Kalpana’s (name changed) marriage was fixed to a boy from Uttar Pradesh against her will. The marriage was to take place on 28 May 2023, but the timely intervention by our partner NGO, Tatvasi Samaj Nyas (TSN), saved the minor.
Upon receiving information regarding the marriage, TSN reached out to the Child Marriage Prohibition Officer (CMPO). Soon after, on the orders of the Sub Divisional Magistrate (SDM), the police force accompanied team TSN to the venue and foiled the marriage.
The police brought the groom to the SDM office for questioning, and it was found that the 30-year-old accused was already married. After a lot of investigation and questioning, it came to light that the accused lures poor and helpless families, marries their minor daughters, sexually assaults the girls for a few days and then sells them to individuals or brothel owners.
Seeing the seriousness of the matter, the CMPO annulled the marriage on 30 May 2023 and made the girl's parents take an oath that they would marry their daughter only after she attained the marriageable age of 18 years. Taking strict action against the accused, the CMPO also ordered to lodge an FIR in the matter. The TSN team facilitated the registration of an FIR against the accused at the local police station under sections 363, 366A, 370, 372, and the Child Marriage Prohibition Act 2006.
The victim and her family were traumatised by the incident and the girl even hesitated in going to school. But, with the constant efforts and support provided by our partner NGO, the victim's family came out of shock and the girl is now back in school.